BackPain 6 Week Individualized Low Back Program Outline Red Flags Loss of bowel control Loss of feeling in between your legs and groin Recent unexplained weight loss Difficulty walking, extreme leg weakness Subjective Pain Location: Middle Right Side Left Side Duration of Pain: Less than 1 month 1-2 months More than 3 months Pain Type: Achey Sharp Dull Numbness or Tingling Radiation of Pain: Hip Glute Down the Leg Daily Posture: Standing Sitting Objective Range of Motion (ROM) Back ROM Positive: Can’t fully straighten arms keeping hips on the ground Negative: Full press-up with hips staying on ground Positive: Unable to reach toes Negative: Able to touch toes Positive: Unable to touch knees to the ground while keeping shoulder down Negative: Knee and opposite shoulder touching ground Positive: Unable to reach knee Negative: Able to reach past knee Hip ROM Seated Hip Rotations Thomas Test 90/90 Active SL Strength Core Strength Forward Plank Lateral Plank Reverse Plank Hip Strength SL Glute Bridge ABD Plank ADD Plank Special Tests Slump Test Submit