The Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders Workout- a Physical Therapist’s Perspective

Length of Workout: 35 minutes

Equipment Needed: Bench or stability ball, curl bar (optional), and dumbbells.

Overview Of Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders

Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders is a 35-minute workout from Sagi. It aims to build shoulder strength and mass. I’m a physical therapist. I like the structured way it adds weight and the focus on form. This workout is effective and safe, enhancing performance and preventing injuries. The Body Beast shoulders workout builds shoulders. It does so with a plan that yields great results.

Shoulder Warm-Up for Body Beast: Bulk

The workout kicks off with a 2:50-minute warm-up, which sets the tone for the intensity to follow. The warm-up sequence includes jogging. It also has arm circles, light weight arm raises, shoulder presses, upright rows, and reverse flyes. This warm-up is unique in its inclusion of weightlifting exercises, which is not typical in most warm-ups. By doing these movements, the shoulder joints and muscles are well prepared. This greatly lowers the risk of injuries. This phase is crucial for the Body Beast bulk shoulders workout to be effective and safe.

From a physical therapy view, it is crucial to warm up the shoulder muscles and joints. Do this before doing intense exercises. The warm-up is dynamic. It ensures that the muscles are activated and ready for the harder exercises to come. This phase increases blood flow. It also improves flexibility and muscle performance. It sets a strong base for the Body Beast build shoulders routine.

Main Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulder Workout

1. Lateral Raise and Arnold Press:

  • Round 1: 15 reps each
  • Round 2: Increase weight, 12 reps each
  • Round 3: Increase weight, 8 reps each
  • Drop Set: Arnold press, decrease weight, 8 reps

The lateral raises and Arnold press (or underhand press) work well together. They target the deltoids from different angles promoting balanced shoulder growth. The progressive increase in weight challenges the muscles while the drop set ensures muscle fatigue and growth. The lateral raise isolates the side deltoids. It creates width in the shoulders. The Arnold press is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. It involves rotating the wrists during the press. This engages the front deltoids and works the shoulders through a greater range of motion. This is a cornerstone of the Body Beast bulk shoulder workout, helping to build shoulders effectively.

As a physical therapist, I stress the importance of form during these exercises. Incorrect form can lead to shoulder impingements and other injuries. You must keep the weights light enough to maintain good form. Focus on smooth, controlled movements. Engage the core during these lifts. It’s crucial to keep stable and avoid stress on the lower back. This approach is vital for anyone following the Body Beast huge schedule to achieve optimal results.

2. Upright Row:

  • Round 1: 15 reps
  • Round 2: Increase weight, 12 reps
  • Round 3: Increase weight, 8 reps
  • Round 4: Heaviest weight, 8 reps
  • Round 5: Decrease weight, 12 reps
  • Round 6: Decrease weight, 15 reps

Upright rows are excellent for targeting the upper trapezius and deltoids. The rounds have varying weights. They engage the shoulder muscles well. This promotes muscle growth and strength. However, upright rows can be controversial due to their potential to cause shoulder impingement. Proper form is paramount, with the bar being lifted no higher than the shoulders and keeping the elbows below shoulder height to avoid this risk. This is a key exercise in the beast shoulder workout and helps in building shoulders efficiently.

3. Alternating Front Raise/Plate Twist-Twist:

  • Round 1: Front raise, 15 reps; Plate twist, 10 reps
  • Round 2: Increase weight, 12 reps; Plate twist, 10 reps
  • Round 3: Increase weight, 8 reps; Plate twist, 10 reps

Front raises mainly target the front deltoids. These muscles are often overdeveloped in many people due to daily activities and other common exercises. The plate twist adds core engagement. This makes this combo good for upper body stability and strength. You must keep strict form during front raises. This is key to avoid using the lower back. That can lead to injury. This combination is essential for a balanced Body Beast shoulder workout.

4. Reverse Fly:

  • Round 1: 15 reps
  • Round 2: Increase weight, 12 reps
  • Round 3: Increase weight, 8 reps
  • Round 4: Heaviest weight, 8 reps
  • Round 5: Decrease weight, 12 reps
  • Round 6: Decrease weight, 15 reps

Reverse flyes also known as a rear delt fly are essential for targeting the posterior deltoids and upper back. Proper form is critical to avoid shoulder strain and maximize the benefits of the exercise. Doing this on a bench or stability ball can help ensure the right posture. You should focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top. This exercise is key to the Body Beast bulk shoulder workout. It ensures full shoulder development.

5. Superman Stretch/Plank Twist-Twist:

  • Round 1: Superman stretch, 10 reps; Plank twist, 30 seconds
  • Round 2: Superman stretch, 10 reps; Plank twist, 30 seconds

The superman stretch is great for the lower back and posterior chain. The plank twists work the core and obliques. They improve stability and strength. Adding these exercises to a shoulder workout makes it well-rounded. They target not only the shoulders but also the supporting muscles and stabilizers. These moves are part of the Body Beast huge schedule and are crucial for maintaining balance and strength.

Detailed Breakdown of Key Exercises in Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders

The lateral raise targets the side deltoid. This muscle is essential for shoulder width and aesthetics. Do the exercise with proper form. Raise the arms to the side with a slight bend in the elbows and stop at shoulder height. This way, you can maximize muscle use and cut injury risk. The Arnold press is different. It adds a rotation to the shoulder press. This increases the range of motion and targets more parts of the deltoid. This approach builds the whole shoulder. It is a highlight of the Body Beast bulk shoulders routine.

Upright Row: Upright rows work for the upper trapezius and deltoids. But, do them with caution. Lifting the barbell or dumbbells too high can cause shoulder impingement. To do this exercise safely, lift the weights to just below shoulder height. Keep the elbows lower than the shoulders. This technique reduces the risk of impingement. It still targets the desired muscles well. This exercise is a key component of the Body Beast shoulder workout and helps build shoulders effectively.

Front raises isolate the front shoulder muscles. This can help develop the whole shoulder. However, it is crucial to avoid swinging the weights, as this can lead to lower back strain. The plate twist adds rotational core training. It improves overall strength and stability. When doing the plate twist, make sure the movement is controlled. Keep the core engaged to avoid straining the spine. These exercises are essential for a balanced Body Beast bulk shoulder workout.

Reverse Fly: Reverse flyes are pivotal for the posterior deltoids and upper back. Using a bench or stability ball helps keep proper form. It ensures the lower back is supported. When doing reverse flyes, move slowly and stay in control. Squeeze the shoulder blades together at the top. This technique maximizes muscle use. It helps prevent injuries from poor posture or overcompensation. This exercise is crucial for the Body Beast build shoulders routine.

The superman stretch is great for the lower back and the posterior chain. Lift the arms and legs while lying face down. This engages the whole back of the body. It promotes strength and stability. The plank twist adds a dynamic part to core training. It targets the obliques and boosts rotational strength. Do this exercise with proper form. Keep the core tight and control the movements. This ensures full benefit and cuts the risk of injury. These exercises are in the Body Beast huge schedule. They are essential for a balanced workout.

Cool Down For The Shoulders

The cool-down segment lasts one minute. It involves stretching the arms, lats, and shoulders. Although brief, this phase is crucial for promoting muscle recovery and reducing post-workout stiffness. Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles. It helps remove waste and deliver repair nutrients.

As a physical therapist, I recommend making the cool-down slightly longer. This will ensure a thorough stretch of all the muscles worked. This can include additional stretches for the chest, upper back, and neck. These can complement the shoulder stretches. During this phase, adding deep breathing exercises helps to cut stress. They also promote relaxation. This approach ensures that the Body Beast bulk shoulders routine is completed safely and effectively.

Final Thoughts on Sagi’s Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders

From a physical therapist’s view, Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders is a balanced and effective workout. It builds shoulder strength and muscle mass. The focus on progressive overload and proper form is great. These principles are vital for getting the best results and avoiding injury. This Body Beast shoulder workout is designed to help you build shoulders in a safe and structured manner.

However, it is important for participants to listen to their bodies and avoid sacrificing form for heavier weights. Good alignment and control are vital. They prevent injuries and ensure long-term shoulder health. Also, adding regular mobility and flexibility exercises to your routine can help maintain shoulder health. They can also enhance overall performance.

Injury Prevention Tips:

  1. Warm-Up Thoroughly: Ensure that your shoulders are properly warmed up before starting the main workout. This can include dynamic stretches and light aerobic activities to increase blood flow to the muscles. This step is crucial for any Body Beast shoulder workout.
  2. Focus on Form: Prioritize proper form over lifting heavier weights. Incorrect form can lead to injuries such as shoulder impingements, rotator cuff tears, and lower back strain. This is particularly important in exercises like the heaviest shoulder press.
  3. Progress Gradually: Increase the weights gradually to allow your muscles and joints to adapt to the new load. Sudden increases in weight can lead to overuse injuries and strains. This is essential for following the Body Beast huge schedule safely.
  4. Include Mobility Exercises: Incorporate mobility exercises into your routine to maintain flexibility and range of motion. This can include stretches and foam roilling to release tight muscles. This helps in maintaining a balanced Body Beast bulk shoulder workout. Here is an article I wrote on the best shoulder mobility exercises if you want to learn more.
  5. Rest and Recover: Ensure that you give your muscles adequate time to recover between workouts. Overtraining can lead to fatigue and increase the risk of injury. This is a key part of the Body Beast build shoulders routine.


Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders is a full workout. It targets the shoulder muscles well. It builds strength and size. As a physical therapist, I appreciate the structured approach. It emphasizes proper form, which is key for better performance and injury prevention. By using these principles and listening to your body, you can build big shoulders. And, you can keep your shoulders healthy.

This workout is a solid addition to any strength training plan. It offers a comprehensive approach to shoulder training. It covers many muscle groups and movement patterns. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned lifter or a beginner. Body Beast: Bulk: Shoulders can help you reach your fitness goals safely. The Body Beast bulk shoulders routine is an excellent choice for those looking to build strong, healthy shoulders.

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